39 Other Compendiums
39.1 Awesome network analysis
Not a book, but a compendium of resources that look really valuable.
39.2 Bookdown archive
An archive all books published via bookdown.org. It’s a very very big repo.
39.3 CRAN doc collections
Note these projects are frozen, but they do contain a lot of resources in multiple languages.
Many of these are quite old publications, but it doesn’t mean they’re outdated or not useful. If you’re really digging for a specific resource that you can’t find anywhere else, it may be here. Good luck!
39.4 Data Science with R: A Resource Compendium
This book grew out of my evergrowing collection of reference materials that was saved as an expanding array of markdown files in a github repo. By assembling it as a book, I hope that it will be more accessible and useful to other R users.
Link: https://bookdown.org/martin_monkman/DataScienceResources_book/
39.5 R on the Web
Useful links for people interested in R.
Link: https://github.com/shokru/rstats/blob/master/material/R_links.md
39.6 R project book compendium
A searchable archive of 180+ books.
39.7 The R Series by CRC Press
- A book series
This book series reflects the recent rapid growth in the development and application of R, the programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
39.8 Use R! Springer series
This is a collection of some 70+ books. This series of inexpensive and focused books on R will publish shorter books aimed at practitioners. Books can discuss the use of R in a particular subject area (e.g., epidemiology, econometrics, psychometrics) or as it relates to statistical topics (e.g., missing data, longitudinal data).
Link: https://www.springer.com/series/6991?detailsPage=titles